
The story about a company and a product with the same name “MULTI ELEMENT”

The idea for the product MULTI ELEMENT was born in 1963.

It was a time where the building markets were making serious changes with major innovations in all aspects of new building components. The demands for economical ways to enhance building speed and efficiency were placed on the fast track. With the main objective to stay up with other major advances in an ever-shrinking globe. From that spirit MULTI ELEMENT was born.

The idea was to produce insulated building elements in a cost-effective, continuous process. The structure of the elements was and is unique – a sandwich construction with a core of insulating polyurethane foam laminated with plasterboard on both sides. Based on the same unique basic construction, a series of roof and wall elements were developed in which construction wood is cast into the element for structural strength and possibly fixing of the cladding etc.

From 1963, The product MULTI ELEMENT was produced under the parent company NORGIPS AS. In 1971, the company MULTI ELEMENT AS was established as a separate company by Norgips owner, Walter Nilsen, and moved to a new industry building in Svelvik, in Norway

Multi Element has supplied more than 20 Mill. m2 (214 Mill sq ft) of building elements to build over 20.000 buildings of all types and sizes. Adding to those building the highest quality, ecological efficiencies, construction speed and economical savings.

MULTI ELEMENT is a product for almost all types of buildings.

Entrepreneurs, architects and construction companies choose MULTI ELEMENT for many reasons. The three big reasons that stand out the most as to why they chose MULTI ELEMENT are: it is easier to construct, it is a more cost-efficient building method and exceeds the ecological demands of building. In total, we have delivered more than 20 Mill. m2 (214 Mill sq ft) of wall, floor and roof elements to all types of buildings to numerous countries. Additionally, by using MULTI ELEMENT products it provides great architectural freedom while raising the quality of the finished building.

MULTI ELEMENT is a global product
• 1963: Multi Element started the production, and the technology started to be used in Norway in prefabrication of building elements
• 2006: The company Multi Element AS was purchased by Dr. Kent Dyreng
• 2013: Dr. Kent Dyreng incorporated Multi Element Gran Canary SL in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
• 2018: Dr. kent Dyreng incorporated Multi Element International, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
• 2024: Completion of 18 years of research and development work.

Research & Development

Dr. Kent Dyreng and his research team has invested 18 years of dedicated research and development into material science, building technology, machine processing and automation, computer control systems, complex logistical operations, rapid building assembly systems and much more, securing a range of new industrial solutions for Multi Element Industries.

Intellectual Property (IP)

Our unique IP provides a unique market advantage.

Our IP includes the Multi Element Master High Speed Continuous Line, Multi Element Pre-cut Machine Lines, Multi Element Auto Load System and Multi Element Recycling Machine Lines and Multi Element Building Technology, as well as all related technology and Multi Element know-how.

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